Luke Waldron
BR-18 Team Principal - Design
Unsprung Manager
Age: 24
From: Swindon, United Kingdom
Course: MEng Motorsport Engineering
Luke worked with the Brunel Racing team since BR14 (2012-2013), helping design a fuel injector test rig and worked on the business case for BR15, before taking a year in industry in July 2014 working with General Electric. He re-joined Brunel Racing in 2015 to work on BR17 as part of the base engine architecture team, researching how mass and friction can be reduced within the Yamaha R6 engine.
In the early 2016 academic year, Luke was appointed Team Principal of design and along with Jack Chamberlain (Team Principal of Build) is responsible for the success of the Formula Student team. Luke also took on the role of unsprung manager and worked to build a lap time simulator that could be used to help determine optimum setups and strategies for the car.
Since beginning his studies, Luke has gained experience working as a repair technology intern for General Electric, an R&D intern for Wilson Tool and has experience working in a specialist car maintenance centre in his home town. Luke built leadership experience by serving as course and department representatives throughout his studies. He was also a STEM ambassador for London and South Wales and managed a personal business venture in his spare time.
After completing the season with Brunel Racing, Luke joined GE Aviation, based in Cardiff, on a two year engineering graduate scheme including a bursary. After four months, he was taken off the engineering graduate scheme and offered a permanent role with the company as a strategic repair engineer. He is now responsible for recovering hardware and leading projects worth millions of dollars. His experience planning and monitoring cost, and reducing cost using creative engineering during Formula Student, has greatly helped Luke in this role, allowing him to effectively add value to the company.